In English we have been working on a project with Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a young jewish girl that lived with her family in Germany with her father Otto Frank,her mother Edith Frank and her sister Margot Frank. Anne and her family moved to Holland wen she was 4 they lived a good life there for 7 years but everything changed in 1940 Adolf Hitler became a chancellor and made a especial rules for Jews.
Anne and her family went hiding in her father office they called it the secret Annexe. Anne Frank got a diary for her 13th bithday she wrote in it every day or most days. She wrote how her live is in the secret Annex and about her live. In 1944 a car arrived at 263 Prinsrngracht, the address of the secret annexe and arrest 8 people that were hiding in the Annexe.
Otto Frank and Miep Gies were not arrested, later they found Anne Diary and kept it safe until after the war and then he started publishing the diary.
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